Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic dermal fillers

The application of dental shades based on hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective methods for rejuvenating skin appearance and volumizing individual facial features. Dermal fillers (hyaluronic filers) are more and more popular in injectable form and are accepted as a method of choice between non-surgical techniques that give immediate results and retain the natural appearance and personality of the face. They are designed for correcting wrinkles, modeling and filling deeper or thinner skin eyelashes, and revitalizing the skin, giving her a youthful look and freshness.

Because of this, hyaluronic filaments quickly took on an important role in cosmetic procedures and became extremely popular among patients of different ages. For patients who plan for facial rejuvenation with dermal fillers, the biggest advantage is that after the procedure the effect of wrinkle correction or filling of the defect is currently apparent.
Dermal fillers are materials that are injected under or into different layers of skin dermis with the aim of raising its surface. Hyaluronic filaments are used for correcting wrinkles (smaller and deeper), skin wrinkles and scars, and for increasing the volume of the lips.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a natural constituent of our skin and is a key molecule that gives skin the volume. Responsible for elasticity and support function. Young skin contains a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid which makes the skin elastic and soft. Aging is a natural process that reduces the amount of hyaluronic acid and collagen, leading to the formation of dry skin and wrinkles. Hyaluronic filaments simply bring this natural ingredient back to the skin by rejuvenating it by restoring its volume.

Relaxation of the facial muscles

Botu-tox drug is considered one of the most effective aesthetic methods for surface wrinkle removal and deeper wrinkle prevention. Using a facial mimic that includes laughing and frothing in the forehead area causes wrinkle wrinkles that contribute to the older appearance of the face.

It is recommended for the fore area, side areas and the area between the eyebrows. Furthermore, it is recommended for hyperhidrosis in the armpits, palms, and feet.

It works through relaxation of the muscles by limiting the facial contractions and thus prevents the creation of new facial traces. The action is temporary and lasts an average of 6 months.
The process involves the administration of anesthesia, after which the drug is applied with a thin needle to a previously designated region which should then not be masked or pressed. After the procedure, it is not recommended to lie during a four-hour period and avoid physical activity for the first 24 hours.

It's effects are visible after 5-10 days during which it is not recommended to use drugs that accelerate the body because they can reduce the time of toxin action.
Complications are temporary, minor haematomas may occur in the area of application or excessive relaxation of certain musculature.

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